Nationals Comments
In reviewing the data from the race I spent over 8 minutes above 400 watts, 20 minutes in that 350-400 range and 16 minutes in the 300-350 range. Given the 22 uphill efforts ranging in age from .25 to .6 of a mile, there were a lot of spikes in the power. Max speed was 37.5, lowest was 14 mph. In the last half mile I hit 392 watts and just under 33 mph going to the finish. This doesn't mean much, just kind of interesting to see if I had much left in the end. Overall it would have helped to train for longer time trials but I only do one or two per year with my focus being the 5k and 10k. Still, if its on the same course next year, I;ll do some additional training that will replicate the up and down of this course.