Today Intervals


Too hot outside (upper 90's) and humid so rode a few times indoors today starting with an easy 15 miles at 5:30am. No data here on that. Came back late morning for a set of 1-2-3-2-1 minutes, 30 sec between; 10 min easy;  2x3 minutes, 1 min between; 5 min easy; 3x1 min, 30 seconds between; power 330-380 depending on time in the interval.

Late afternoon came back for some ladders that varied from 2 minutes to 1 to 30 seconds with increasing power from mid 200's to over 400. Then came back with 30 second efforts from 300's to 400 and then mid 400's to 400. 

Overall just spending time below and above FTP or around the 5k and 10k tt power. Have a high Form number (11) so will drive that down for a few days and then let it back up for KY nedt weekend followed by TN the week after with a local charity hill climb the following day and then Wisconsin two days later. Should be a fun stretch! 

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